We have reached the fifth and final leg of this five-part article series on how to get better at climbing. We have spoken volumes about the basics to know before joining the climbing gym and even have guided you on picking the gear. Now, you are ready to go on with the climbing, first indoors in the gym and then outdoors.
Yes, you will have seen people climb up a higher or a more difficult patch and then grumble in pain or suffer in silence. Whatever is the case, there is nothing to live, if you can’t chase goals. These goals have to be a little difficult to give you the thrill of succeeding.
All said you will now learn what to do to scale up a more obscure or untrodden route. The V5 route is still waiting for you, and soon you will need to work yourself up.
Do not Ignore Warm-ups
You have indeed been sweating it out from the first day, but the summit might still seem a far-fetched dream. Go for the warm-up exercises like jumping jacks and a few stretches before you start with climbing. You could do this on reaching the gym as soon as you slip into your climbing clothes and gear. This works wonders if you are going from your office or home to the gym directly. If you are going to the climbing gym right after you wake up, give the warm-up to relax your body and wake up the stiff muscles. This will set the mood for the day ahead and make you ready for the activity ahead.
Many climbing gyms may have their yoga studios too. You can practice breathing exercises, increase your stamina, and even make your limbs and back ready for the big act of climbing.
Dress Up for the Workout
Proper fitting clothes and gear will also help in setting your mood and encouraging you to climb. Uncomfortable pair of shoes may discourage you from climbing. Thus, you need to work out in the right pair of shoes and with all the gear. To upgrade shoes, you may check The Climbing Gear site. There are reviews of the best and the latest model of shoes and harnesses.
In the case of shoes, you may check the likes of Evolv Nighthawk. The pointed tip of the shoes may help you to slide your toes and find balance in your pockets. This will help you to get more grip on the ledges. The other choice we recommend is Evolv Supra, which can help you in pockets and crack climbing. Wear high quality and comfortable fitting clothes so that you do not suffer from any wardrobe malfunction that is quite possible too.
Take your Classes Seriously
You will need to take your classes seriously and not miss a single day. These days, more people are signing up for the climbing gyms, as per stats. This will help you set more goals and then force you to run after them. Though from the outside, you may presume to be climbing the same wall every day, the challenges will go up. Your instructor may present you with more obstacles and train you to overcome the same too.
They will first take you through VB, VO, and then through a V3. This kind of oscillation through levels will prepare you for what to expect. Start with bouldering because it may give you a better understanding of yourself. You will not be using any ropes or harnesses; hence, it can be the best challenge you can give yourself. Moreover, it is the best motivation beginners can get while scaling the rather achievable heights. Be among the 18% who visited the gym consistently.
Weigh Yourself with Grading Systems
Every climbing gym will have a range of heights from V1 to higher up ones like a 5.10. This will determine your progress, and you can motivate yourself in this way. In the beginning, do not lose hope and continue with your persistent efforts. Though your partner who started with you may scale up to the next level sooner than you, that does not make you any poorer. Just push these grades to the back of the mind and focus on achieving and learning from that particular grade. These grades can help you in setting goals and even preparing you mentally on what to expect.
Practice the Techniques Again
You will start with easier routes and where there are lesser resting points. But you will need to progress and scale-up. Endurance needs to build up, and so, you may go for practicing on a project and change its difficulty. If you are fine with a technique, practice it again and again. You must practice the routes while trying to go back on familiar routes.
The trick is to face a newer challenge every day, too but if you find bouldering easier, go for the same. Top roping might be your strength, and in that case, opt for the same. You can ace a technique and set yourself higher goals. Because you are good at a technique, it does not mean you are yet ready to scale the Alps!
Join with Friends and Groups
If you consider yourself as a better team player, go for the projects with them. There are groups available online in social media that conduct projects with individuals. You may want to simply try climbing with friends, as you can communicate better; so go for the same. This might urge you not to miss climbing. Moreover, it is a different experience to make your outdoor climbing more fun. The joy of packing your gear and heading out to the nearest popular cliffs for an expedition is what dreams are made of! Make sure to take bouldering and rock climbing as a worthy experience.
Improvement will be a continuous process, and you should not ignore any of these points as you start climbing. Remember, the mountains are calling, and you must not delay it any further. Get into the mood and start your journey upwards!